Our purpose here at MockTrading is to offer a dependable
resource in your trading education. We get many questions concerning
"What, Why, and How to Mock Trade" so let's get a few commonly
asked questions answered!
First off, MockTrading is an online program by which a trader can
develop their skills and practice trading the Futures market (sorry
Options trading is not available at this time) without risking a penny.
This experience is valuable and allows you to gauge your readiness for
taking the leap into trading real money in real time with a broker.
MockTrading operates off delayed quotes.
MockTrading can be an asset when testing new techniques and systems.
It can also allow you to get familiarized with different commodities
markets -- which is very helpful as each market has its own
characteristics and personality. Knowing this can alert you to potential
rewards and (even more important) potential volatility and risk.
The "How" the practical knowledge gained while studying
the markets is what we are excited to offer you. Many times we find
that traders need some help taking what is well studied book knowledge
and transferring that to Papertrading the markets. This logical
progression from knowledge to skill can be tricky...that's where we can
Preparation is Key!
We encourage you to open your own MockTrading account and also take
advantage of the education online mock trading can provide!